Thursday, December 31, 2009
After Christmas..<3
>New shoes..yay!!..nice ones 2..haha
>New headphones..been dying to get 1 of tis ever since my old wan broke down
>Handphones chains..nice ones 2..
>Cookies..Famous Amoss!!!..<3..bake><...kekeke~..just joking..=D
>and some more stuff which I 4got..><..lols..pspsps~ is over..and lets usher in the new year..Good-Bye 09!..Hello 10!..and for Hello TO THE DREADFUL SPM!!!..haiz...stress already..=X..lols..tats all...signing out!
Now Playing : J.Holiday-Be With Me
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Approaches..<3
Christmas List
2.Bike hang kai shoes..etc mp4 or mp3..hopefully an iPOD!!..XD shoes
6.a bling..GOLD!..XD..but fake la..keke
and it goes on and on every year...and added new ones..lols..
-so about my xmas plans..wil be helping aunty nancy on teh refreshments at the xmas party at my church..will be singing in the choir at the party..tried to ask some frens but they gt plans..and will try 2 ask more..hope u guys countdown wei..XDD..neh neh neh..hmm..and about the`s all out!!..almost every1 gt their results poor kai mui..its ok la..not too late..just try ur best..ishh ishh ishh~i also need 2 buck up wei..!!
haha..ok I gt2 stop xmas post wil be after the party i guess..haha..byee~=D
Now Playing : Neyo-Waiting
Monday, December 14, 2009 in Penang..ready..><
Now Playing : Jay Chou-Yue Qu
Sunday, December 13, 2009
just swt..=.="
>the Lord was moving in the hearts of ours and many at the conference..It was a great time basking in the presence of God..chains were broken and hearts were mended..will be writing more on the conference in a while..

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Now Playing : Breathe Slow-Alesha Dixon
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Now Playing : Mario-How Do I Breathe
Outing with Cuzins^^

tat nite..somemore gt carol practise..lazy la me to go..blekk..=P..but I went la..hahaha..lucky din[ H.A.P.P.Y ]
~This are the pics~
Now Playing : Neyo-Real Thing
Saturday, December 5, 2009
NOw Playing : 2NE1-I Don`t Care

Friday, December 4, 2009
Shud I or Shud I not..
Thursday, December 3, 2009
No Electricity...

They shud have posted this on the letter..=.="
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Prom : I Can`t Go..nvm..RESULTS..BLAH!!..=P

Monday, November 30, 2009
Rusty Hands

Now Playing : Rain-Escaping The Sun..=]
Friday, November 27, 2009
why no1 ask me out to go hang kai dy?? i`m a stone sometimes I can`t go out coz of so many things dy..ishh..y they have to come now!!??...crap~!..@.@..this kind of people also call frens ar..some of them..really crap la..konon-nya frens..ask to go out...never tot of asking me..mebbe I`m kinda fussy abt this but still..arrgghh~..sighz...nvm d la..leave me here to rot..#_#..still I appreciate those buddies of mine..haha...holidays go hang kai dy..luckily gt this buddies of whole gang of friends..and my dearest "kai mui"..thx for teman ko ko alwiz..=]
For those so call "Friends"..nvm larr..still..I respect your actions and your choices..I won`t say anything...just let it be..=)...I shall be back again...+.+
NOw Playing : Iyaz-Replay
Next on the PLaylist : Tae Yang-Look At Me
at least gt music to teman me...=D
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A Day OUt^^

also went to ampang and eat ampang yon tau was delicious..i wanna eat againn..x3 and visited my uncle,he brought us to this super nice steamboat..oh man!..I wanna eat all those food againnn..xD..but it was tiry..=X..reach home about 1030+...then i sleep dy..too tired..but was a fun day..=]
Friday, November 20, 2009
holiday blues
now playing : Drop it Low-Ester Dean Ft Chris Brown..=D
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Exams Blues
1St day-BM 1 & 2
-not bad tho
2nd day-English 1 & 2
-ok lo
-not that bad also
3rd day-History(Sejarah)
-paper 2 was dreadful..and so badd...its was a killer paper..but thx 2 Pn Reetha`s tips..we all made it but barely..oh God!..pray 4 that paper~
-its was a 50-50 line that we all shud pass..if not we die!!..*pancung kepala*
4th day-Biology
-omg..paper 2 was terribly dreadfully hard..thx a lot Mr Suresh..U did all the papers and all the papers all also killer type..haizz..
-but still I can do a bit lo
5th day-Chemistry
-paper 2 was really tough..and I dun really like chem so..yea..had 2 struggle..dishh~
-paper 1 was ok..luckily and I did study 4 I guess I did so la...=_+
6th day-Add maths
-nothing 2 say...paper 2 was by Pn Ong..I thk she plan 2 do this 2 us..T.T..100% tough..+ I gt more curry at exam times..swt~
-paper 1 was ok coz I study d...and I could do most of it..Thank God and thank Mr Soong!~
7th day-Physics
-we all tot it was going 2 be hard but..thanks Pn Siti Aminah..u shud do all our papers all the time..yay..but its was paper 2 ni and 3...but physics..I did could manage lor..thank God and teacher..Mr Soong also!..haha
Still gt 2 more days 2 go..hope we all can make it...=]..and after`s MEGAFUN! & MEGAPLAY!..xD
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Train Of Though>>FATHER TIME...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Congrats..Newly Weds..=]
~Happy hols 2 my frens 2..and 2 the pmr students..step lightly..partayyyy..XDD
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Its Empty
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Going 4 Camp..[UNAVAILABLE]
Getting pass the Barrier

Monday, August 24, 2009
Holiday Blues...and bla bla bla..xP & |Random|

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Matter that You Do Suck at Times..=.="
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I will and will not..~x|..???o.0
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I have done it..yesss!!!!~XDD
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Rest and Relaxation
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Comp Probs..=.="
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Behind Every Story

Saturday, July 4, 2009
~Long Time No Bloggie~PSPS
skul was kinda suck and reli stress up but we all starting to study and people are getting restless and rajin..but a bit was hong jian and a few others that remind me...tat so long i din post anything sorrryyy~..I will try 2 nia..just have to think about something...tik tik tik~
chi chi chi~..hmmmm..O.o....nvm lu..I will post it in the next 1..hahaha=]
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Holidays Are Over,Welcome Back School..T^T
Monday, June 8, 2009
~Being Tagged By Hong Jian~xD
Hong Jian
2. Your relationship with him/her is :
3. Your first impression of him/her is:
4. The most memorable moments with he/she is
same class...almost everyday hear him say;what you want??;U suck la;SUCKS!;KAO LAT!;jkjk..
5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is:
U suck la joseph;suck la joseph;what you want??...xD
6. If he/she becomes your lover
fren can la...but lover??!!...I rather die..lols..everyday hear people say;suck
7. If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve that:
lols..many things..but,kinda complicated..=.="
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do:
ma dao...actually I dun really know tho..swt
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
he say suck until people get fed-up...xD.hahahaha~
10. The most desired things you want to do for him/her now is: computer with him??..haha..kinda fun tho..=)
11. Your overall impression on him/her is:
ok gua....kinda fun guy...^^
12. The characteristic you hate most about yourself:
lols...din really though about it tho..I guess I did change a lot compare to lastime..=\
13. The most ideal person you want to be is:
just be myself la..and maybe a little mixture of others...lols
14.For people who care and love you, say something to them:
lols..same here..^^
15. Pass this quiz to 10 people who you want to know how they feel about you:
Friday, June 5, 2009
~Pot-Luck With Fwens~

wee shin aka "froggie face"..hahaha~
suet peng..dunno what she doing..lols..posing..==..xDDD
suet peng and elmo and sumething..xDD
pui yan`s kura kura..haha..and something..makes it looks cute..X3
(from left)me,suet peng,wee shin,pui yan..=)
(from left)me,meera,wee shin,suet peng,hoi theng..fwens..=)
suet peng,meera,hoi theng,wee shin,pui yan..lols..all holding some soft toys..xDD..and thats the blue cow that I hold.."sia sui"..js joking la..=D
The Fact That I Hate You Makes Me Wanna Cry..OR NOT!!!!..MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sometimes I`m ok wit anything that happens,but THISSS!!!!....gosh!!...$@#&!!!!! know,I feel like it is all totally SHIT! just don`t keep your can`t even make a cheat your a player..I can`t believe what am I hearing at first..haizz..I wish I knew you better..I wish you can just "bertaubat"-turn over a new leaf....all those troubles that you face..all those forseen circumstances..and you ask y does this happen?in the first should ask yourself..why??..why??!!!..why do you have do do sumething and end up everything happens to negative way??..i wish you can just think for yourself I doing whats right??ask yourself that damn question..fine! is just nothing mush..I AM JUST SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU!!!!..>=(
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Teachers day Drama..woots~
(there are 2 parts of the video,coz mayb too long larr..xP)
Pt -1>
Pt -2>
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mid-Term Exams OVERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!..xD
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mid-Term Exams..haizz...0.o
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
You Are Not The Same As You Use To Be..=(
But mayb it is my fault..I say things but sumetimes i din do..I say will come see you but sumetimes due to inevitable circumstances,I can`t come..and you will be angry or mad at times..not to mention sad..but still we both okok de..haiz..sobz..mayb it is my sumetimes you never reply me due to bcus ur bz but sumehow gor feel a little sad lorr..=( are not the same as you use to we rarely talk..even if we talk,it is kinda cold and no more that gor and mei factor d..=(..wat is happening to us??have we come in a point of time that we have to go on our separate ways..haiz..gor feel veli troubled...sad..i don`t want it 2 come to this..that we both will be hating each other..and stuff like could we??..all those memories...d bad times that we both share..good can`t buy those memories..sighz..mei...i hope that we can both make things straight and settle things..but gor really hope that everything can be fine..=(..mei..come back...T_T
Friday, May 1, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I Got It All Back~w00ts
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
~I`m Back~Blehh..xP
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
My Favourite Aeroplane..hehehe..x)

Primary Function
Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co.
Power Plant
Two General Electric F404 engines
65 feet, 11 inches (20.3 meters)
12 feet, 5 inches (3.8 meters)
52,500 pounds (23,625 kilograms)
43 feet, 4 inches (13.3 meters)
High subsonic
Unlimited with air refueling
Internal weapons carriage
Two each of:
2 MK84 2000-pound
2 Mark 61
Unit Cost $FY98[Total Program]
$122 million
Friday, March 20, 2009
I Miss....
I used to remember all of us were in the same old class.M all the way..3M,4M,5M & 6M...hehe..all those fun we had in class..and that good class teacher that we have "jiang lou si".Still remember her all this while..and a lot more good teachers that we have...all that we have been seeing all our primary years...It was fun knowing them and them being part of us.Even the rest of you,I also like duno where you all guys go d..even some which I contacted but forgot d lo about act so cold wan..I oso liek pai seh pai seh larrr..=X..but its ok la...I just mayb wanna meet you all someday..haha..I know you guys change a lot..I too have change a lot too..lolx...but nvm la..still I remember you guys to the MAX wei..=)..I surely miss you guys..just hope that I will get to see all of you together someday..then I will be complete..=)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
That Someone that I Hate but Care
The story goes like this...I know that we all have a lot of friends..and all sorts of friends.Friends who see people through their looks and appearance are really really people that you can hate for life and there are sooo...seriously mean.That someone I guess is like me.I cared for that person so much but at the has all come to this.That person all this while was lying to me and that person which I though was good end up like this..haihh..I wonder why..everytime I also kena like this wan..ishhh==
That someone treat me so differently then the other friends that she has.At first when we meet..she was fine with me and I was ok with her..we chat many times and talk a lot of fun things and we are like little bro and big sister.But that was before..and now...things change a lot.It all started after she saw me in person..and do you know wat she so slandering yet very "secret behind the words" type of message.It reads like this-" are not what I though you are..but still it is ok".To me,the back part of the message that reads"but still it is ok" is all totally bullshit la,just words of comfort and behind all those is all lies and fake compassion.That message which me and some of my friends have decipher reads like this-she all this while though I was someone that was her expectation and like her thinking but when it all was wrong,she was like..okayyyy...=.=..nvm ba..this type of people to me is slowly will forget de..just like trash.WAT THE HELL WEI!!!!..I really was so damn angry when I know about it.But at the same time I was sad because that someone that I trust as a friend and a sister turn on me just like that,out of sheer prejudism.
I had many bad and moody times after that.I kept wondering and trying to see what I could do.I try to tell myself that everything that I have seen or heard is wrong and it is just me being over-thinking but still I though for a while and I have decided to give her a chance and try to warm up to her as a little bro and friend lo.But cut this post short,many turn of events happen which pointed out that my worst fears had come true..people closest to me have just ditch me away like that.haiz=(...I was so hurt and I was kinda sad and depressed and at the sametime angry.I treat you all so nice and well but to me back is all shit and trash.Not to say that I want you to give me your best,your angel looks la and so natural.But it seems that it is your natural lo..=(...finally I got to know the truth and I wish I had knew it earlier so that I don`t have to just believe and waiting for things which will never happen well to me.I don`t know why..I`m always treated liek that by people..ishhhh=(..Am I so bad-luck till like this??..huh?..>=(...Why must this things happen to me?AM I YOUR DOG TO PUSH AROUND???...DAMN!!!...Why don`t you all just tell me the truth and don`t keep saying all those lies and manipulative words so that I can scold THE HELL OUT OF YOU!!!..then I will just forget everything and be lonely as always I am..SHIT!!!...>=(
I really want to believe that you all are not like that..I really do...but I was wrong..very wrong.I want to believe that all of this was all just a bad dream but still it has become a reality.You know I find it hard to say goodbye to you..because it is never a right time to say goodbye..But I have to make the first move if not you are going to hate me and you will feel a burden in being my friend when you don`t want but you have to..I hate this kind of things..I find it hurtful and crappy.I know that someday we have to go our separated ways and it is hard but if I don`t will kill me and my emotions..I know it is hard..but I have to leave everything behind of me that includes you but still I just can`t do it..listening to what my hearts wants really makes me wanna cry..I keep asking myself why!?!?why!?!?..why I take so long to say this!!!???...I just don`t want to take your time..You will understand when I`m finish and I don`t want to see you cry and break your heart..But you have broke my heart so badly..I just can`t take it any longer..I have and will do it...You are someone that I hate but still I care..but it doesn`t matter now...go away..T.T..just go..=(
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Me and my Panda meimei
My panda meimei loves to bully and kacau me when she sees me in school...she will either like spy on me and then when I look back,she wil either hide herself and don`t let me see her,then I look front again.Suddenly,she will jump out and BOO!..scare me like mad...and she wil go on smiling and laughing.Then if she see me angry or annoy bcus she kacau me,she will show me her cute cute d face and I will like ok ok la mei...gorgor tabik liao!!.....hehe...4give u nia..sayang you orhx....mmuakzz~...thats my panda meimei...still even though she kacau me,I still care and love her like a gorgor lo=]
My panda meimei is a very important to is like we both have that gorgor meimei chemistry tho...but still no matter what,I`ll always be with her lo...comfort her when she sad and sharing her happy moments.Well..sometimes when I`m cycling around,I will take the time to go to school and see her when school finish(we both study in same school)....and I will sometimes surprise her lo....but always when she see me she will smile then come to me and then we talk talk nia..hehe=]...then when the time comes for me to go..we both say byebye and I go back home..then around later she will tells me that she back home d..and so on.It is nice and happy to have a meimei like that..although sometimes she is busy...I still don`t mind and I will go do my own stuff and then everytime before she sleeps...Me as her nanny gor will put her to sleep as always d..and she likes tat lo so that she can sleep well throughout the night and sometimes I wake her up lo in a very nice and sweet way only specially for her as my panda meimei.
I also put her to sleep the same nice and sweet way lo=]...sweet memories..very hard to forget..I will surely cherish those moments.hehe..ok..I have to stop writing now..gotta go sleep..
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Heart Yearns...
We all have our own desires and wishing.We all love wishing for things which we want the most,you know..people say that when you see a shooting star that pass you by in the starry sky at night,make a wish and it will come true.Wishes as some of them come true whereas some don`t...we grumble...Is it our wishes aren`t coming true? or we are wishing for the wrong things in life?
The Human heart yearns..It yearns for comfort.We all live in a world where we all want the best of the best..the most comfort.We sometimes shiver at a slight glance of hardships and life`s circumstances that affect us a lot..We all want designer shoes..shirts and almost everything branded..super smooth and cool sport cars..the latest gadget..everything new.But don`t we ever realise that sometimes the money that we spent can be use for the great of good..feed the needy children in Africa...and to use those well-earn money to fight poverty..we have to ask ourselves the question how many people have to live in poverty just for us to get to the retail store just to get a new iphone.Comfort is good for us but behind everything..there is always a catch.Choices we make greatly affect is just how bad is the effect.
The heart also yearns for we yearn for comfort..we also want to be love.The feelings of being love is yet a very complicated yet wonderful feeling that we sometimes like the girl next door..everyday when you see are more in-love with her...your feelings for her grow stronger...then when you also discover by chance that the girl likes are like the happiest man on earth...They say love is it?or that girl is blind for loving us or vice versa??who knows..??..hehe =P...Love!....wonderful but sometimes distracting..well as people is all about being in-control not out-of-control..xD
The heart is ours to control..and ours to take care and guard it from all things that hinder us from living a good and faithful life.The heart is the thing that propels us to keep on living and fighting the good fight and finish life`s race.Life is like a is all blank at first but soon will be fill with pages and pages of writing..just like our lives.Life`s journey on the road is for us to travel...we mark our own road in life..if anything happens..we don`t blame anybody and we can`t blame anybody.Your life is your`s to keep not to give it away to the sinful nature of the world...your heart is your`s too....not mine..just yours..=)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Debate Auditions-HAIYO!!!
The auditions are after chinese new we have a long time to prepare our points and do research..just hope that I can make it through the auditions...yea!!..=D
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Me now...
Well...first things house is dying and lagging up..althought I have many times repairing it and its many times work and i`m so glad but now I think it is time.Every thing has it`s end,the question is when.I feel that have to be more trifty this year..have to save up and spent wisely tho..=.I will have to sacrifice a new computer by not buying a new one and save lor.Althougt it is hard but I hope it will work and it is worth a try...just hope lor..=)
Well I have to stop here...I will be writing something new when though of something and maybe a few days later....hoep so lor.Everyone just pray for me and if I have been unkind to anyone and a little annoying..I apologise for it..hope you all understand..=P.Hope so..sighz....Good Day everyone..=).Hope better and brighter days will come for me....=
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Death:The Ever Unconquered Battle
Death,a natural thing in life and yet for all of us a very sad thing too.If our love ones passed away,our emotions will take a toll and we will feel very emotional.For the pass 2008,I have been to not to say a lot but a number of funerals.I couldn`t help but wonder why?...well i guess it is because life is very unpredictable and 1 minute you see them,the next minute you don`t.Scary isn`t it? is like that..that`s why people have been trying to find the secret to longevity means a long individual life.
The Chinese Emperors have attempt to search for the secret to longevity so that they can prolonged their lifespan and rule forever but each time they try,some succeed,some fail..but even though they succeed,they will still die.No one can escape death,it is unevitable and unstoppable,how much people have tried,they still can`t escape it.Life is short as most people say it,all we have to do I think is to make the best of it while we are still living,make the best of our lives.
Life is like a highway,a never ending highway....we are like a car we go on and live life,we are like moving on a highway.Around us on the highway,there are other cars just like our lives we are surrounded by friends,family members and other people.Cars break down,so do we in life.There are moments in our lives that are the most disappointing and most down moments in life but we have friends to help us up when we fall.Same on the life`s highway,now and then cars will stop by us and help us out when we break down,encourage us to go on with life.But when death comes or when we witness our most closed ones pass away,their cars stop and they get out.They are no more,we can`t do much actually,we simply can`t,what we can do is to go on with life.