well..tis soooo latee for tis kind of post..i`mma so sry..haha..was so lazy 2 post tis d..and plus alwiz i wan blog d..sure cannot d..sumething will come up..lols..=)..so..the christmas party was ok..we all did well..and yea..I gt presents..hmm..not many..but also tis christmas was better lor...^^well..what I got..let me seee..O.O
>New shoes..yay!!..nice ones 2..haha
>New headphones..been dying to get 1 of tis ever since my old wan broke down
>Handphones chains..nice ones 2..
>Cookies..Famous Amoss!!!..<3..bake><...kekeke~..just joking..=D
>and some more stuff which I 4got..><..lols..pspsps~
well...christmas is over..and lets usher in the new year..Good-Bye 09!..Hello 10!..and for me..is Hello TO THE DREADFUL SPM!!!..haiz...stress already..=X..lols..tats all...signing out!
Now Playing : J.Holiday-Be With Me
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Approaches..<3
Ok..xmas is here..let me see..my list is complete and hopefully all of them or some get fulfilled..if not..seppai larr..O.O
Christmas List
3.new hang kai shoes..etc
4.new mp4 or mp3..hopefully an iPOD!!..XD
5.new shoes
6.a bling..GOLD!..XD..but fake la..keke
and it goes on and on every year...and added new ones..lols..
-so about my xmas plans..wil be helping aunty nancy on teh refreshments at the xmas party at my church..will be singing in the choir at the party..tried to ask some frens but they gt plans..and will try 2 ask more..hope u guys come..haha..gt countdown wei..XDD..neh neh neh..hmm..and about the results..it`s all out!!..almost every1 gt their results dy..my poor kai mui..its ok la..not too late..just try ur best..ishh ishh ishh~i also need 2 buck up wei..!!
haha..ok I gt2 stop here..my xmas post wil be after the party i guess..haha..byee~=D
Now Playing : Neyo-Waiting
Christmas List
3.new hang kai shoes..etc
4.new mp4 or mp3..hopefully an iPOD!!..XD
5.new shoes
6.a bling..GOLD!..XD..but fake la..keke
and it goes on and on every year...and added new ones..lols..
-so about my xmas plans..wil be helping aunty nancy on teh refreshments at the xmas party at my church..will be singing in the choir at the party..tried to ask some frens but they gt plans..and will try 2 ask more..hope u guys come..haha..gt countdown wei..XDD..neh neh neh..hmm..and about the results..it`s all out!!..almost every1 gt their results dy..my poor kai mui..its ok la..not too late..just try ur best..ishh ishh ishh~i also need 2 buck up wei..!!
haha..ok I gt2 stop here..my xmas post wil be after the party i guess..haha..byee~=D
Now Playing : Neyo-Waiting
Monday, December 14, 2009
ok...now in Penang..ready..><
ok..in penang..slept all the way..and coming back in 5 days..a long holiday..but its gud so that..so I can relax and rest..XD..and ready to post something about APYAC..that conference was a fun one..for this post..I will just summarise it..it was so fun and a refreshing time..great experience..actually..I was struggling a bit..I tot God has left me..I don`t feel him..its all so cold and dull..but after that conference..it has changed me..well..I`m still me la..ofcos..XD..I`m also glad that God has visited my friends 2..at first I felt skeptical about it..I just dunnno y..but I was blessed and it totally change my way of thinking..will talk abt it later..a full thing of what happened at the conference from day 1 to day 3..ok bak 2 penang..aishh..so tired..yawwnn..nd moree rest~~..nw using cuzin comp...ok lar her comp..but the internet explorer is like being change a bit into some weird chinese third party program browser but it`s still IE..except different a bit..the download helper for that "browser" is fast man..hhaha....gona have it..ishh..nthg 2 say..just homesick dy..and tats so fast...wow..miss my buddies,frens and my meis..3 of them..hehe..ur kor hope that ur enjoying ur holidays..XD..=]
Now Playing : Jay Chou-Yue Qu
Now Playing : Jay Chou-Yue Qu
Sunday, December 13, 2009
just back..no swt..=.="
>Just back from APYAC..goshh..and gt carols..haha..and going 2 penang agin 4 some days..for holiday...so no time 2 blog abt the events..I will be posting something..when I`m at penang..coz now it`s like latee..I gt2 sleeeppp~..tmrw wakee uppp forrr theee triiipp 2 penang~..XD
>the Lord was moving in the hearts of ours and many at the conference..It was a great time basking in the presence of God..chains were broken and hearts were mended..will be writing more on the conference in a while..

>the Lord was moving in the hearts of ours and many at the conference..It was a great time basking in the presence of God..chains were broken and hearts were mended..will be writing more on the conference in a while..

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Going for A.P.Y.A.C..so wun be blogging..I will be updating when I`m back..3 days later or so..=]..I gotta sleep..have 2 wake up early for tmrw..going to GTPJ for the APYAC at 7am..goodness!~..O_O...yawnn..gud nite..
Now Playing : Breathe Slow-Alesha Dixon
Now Playing : Breathe Slow-Alesha Dixon
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So YEah..I got my results d..when I reach the school..all I saw was SPM students..going out after their subjects and few teachers..lol..I tot nonit take..well..I saw la..vivian heng,ming yu,May gee and a few others coming out too.Ok..so gt take la..I went to the office and take..and yea..my results is..not too bad..yea..gt some improvement..and I gt 15/30 in the class..just tat..plus..peratus of 54.56%..something something..lol..nvm..-.-..its over.!!??..dun wan tok d..=]
Now Playing : Mario-How Do I Breathe
Now Playing : Mario-How Do I Breathe
Outing with Cuzins^^
well...I`m not suppose to go out coz sometimes I no mood go "hang kai"..but still I went out with my cuzins..OMG!..shopping is alwiz veli tiry..tsk tsk tsk~..well..1st gt 2 stop by bank and wait for aunt to withdrawn some cash..lols..the whole lot of us following her 2 the bank..either looks like we are her bodyguards or we are following her 2 rob the bank..XD..-.-..either way..and yea..after that..we are off to sunway!..well..it`s like 1130m when we reach there..not much people at that time..plus it`s a monday..1st day of the week..so yea..but that`s gona change in 2 hrs..lols..and yea..so separated into 2 groups..me,my bro and my cuzin bro 1 group,and my aunt,cuzin sis and grandparents 1 group...soo...me and cuzin bro was like wondering what 2 do...so.we went to the arcade..haha..play games..driving games la..and shooting games..and we all saw this dancing game..we play it too..OH mMY!!..I love it like crazy..we dance danc
e dance till like lunch time at 3 for us..the pics of the arcade and the dance thingy are all below..I din`t get to take many pics coz..partly..I was too busy having fun..XD..and lazy 2 take out fon..we played Para Para Paradise,Dance Dance Revolution and some other driving games most gila is MaxTune 3 DX..haha..plus..I played Rambo,House Of The Dead and many shooting games unthinkable..xD..and we spent like me and my cuzins all 2gether 60 tokens..60!!!..gila wei..pokai dy..T.T..ok..lunch time..went to Ajisen Ramen..some jap restoran..I ate beef teppanyaki..the drink which is Ocha..some japanese green tea..is nicee..the food was good..I wanted to buy ice-cream at some shops ahead..but its so fraeking expensive..oh my..but still...ITs Sunway!!..duhh..-.-..well..then we went for a walk again..in the group again..and guess wat..my group went to teh arcade againnn!!~..-.-..oh crap!..again!!~??...well..I din play at 1st coz..I still full and I ate some Ireland potato like fries..it was ok la..then I played..OMGG!!...we all played Para Para Paradise again..dance dance dance until crazy..and even after all that..I have carol practise in the nite..I was dancing like crazy still..hehe..I thk I`m into dance dance dy..XDD..well..yea..after all those..we all went asian avenue..me and my cuzins and bro bought some stuff..like merchandise..clothes..new shoes..plus I bought a new hoody..I thk tats the spelling..-.-..my cuzin bro actually came back with his sis and aunt which is his mom from New Zealand..so yea..He was asking me and telling about me abt tis gal he just saw..he say damn Hot!..and yea..I told him tat gal from my skul..you know 1 thing..when u go sunway..olmos every person from my skul..could be seen by you at random..it`s like yea..close to home..lol..well..after that.w.e all meet at TGIF..and walk up the escalator..went to the parking lot..drove out..on the way home..lucky no jam..I was liek half-sleeping on the way home..too tired dy..it was sooo tiry..but..2 sum if up..I had a great time..hahahaha~=]
tat nite..somemore gt carol practise..lazy la me to go..blekk..=P..but I went la..hahaha..lucky din sleep...lol...[ H.A.P.P.Y ]
~This are the pics~

tat nite..somemore gt carol practise..lazy la me to go..blekk..=P..but I went la..hahaha..lucky din sleep...lol...[ H.A.P.P.Y ]
~This are the pics~
Now Playing : Neyo-Real Thing
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Moody..tats me nowadays..well..It`s hard to say why..but it`s just me now..the feelings too complex..missing people,hating people,angry at people and bla bla bla~so many things now..leftout!..the BIG picture tats happening now..am I too lame or bored?har?ishh..sometimes I don`t even have the time..to go out and stuff..people say..people do..I guess everyone hates me..it`s so damn true..haiz..even people tat are closest to me..my kai jie...did I force you to be my kai jie?..a bit then angry dy..and it`s like u dun treat at all like ur kai di..nvm la..maybe I`m 2 suck for you..sry if ur reading this..I cannot tahan dy..I guess I am too suck for you..dun say what lastime thing dun tok and I accept you dy..DUN GIVE ME THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT!!!..sry..my language..but I as i told my dad & mum..the language I`m going to use in this post will be terrible..sry God,frens and sorry jie..I gt2 say it dy..just tell me in my face la..that you hate me and dun wan 2 be my jie dy..coz maybe I`m not what you expect or like I`m so "yong sui"..damnn!!..haiz..y am I like tat?maybe thats y u all hate me..1 of the stupid reasons..and for the F***ing shit day..tats 2day..some fren have to just write all those shit thing 2 me like I`m like trash..hu are you r?my mother a?you DON~T HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY ME LIKE WHEN YOU URSELF ARE AN ASSHOLE URSELF!!!..really a B**** la you..ishh~..you just damn make my day worse..ishh..I know all my friends are having fun..some of them..and me just leftout..maybe I`m too fussy but its ME!!..haih..I have to get over it if not I will be going on a rampage and pray the Lord will have mercy on those that are in big trouble bcus of me!!..I don`t ever wan 2 talk 2 you again..dajie..I thk..I will find a time..I will just say everything out..and ITS OVER!!..you make me lose trust in you dy..yala..I MAYBE TRASH TO YOU BUT I WUN`T GIVE A SHIT AND PLEASE RETRACT THOSE BULLSHIT THAT YOU PREACH TO ME!!!..bloody make my ears bleed...I tell you wei..I HAD ENUF!!..I really had enuf..I thk I`m going to break down...haiz..God help me!!..I can`t take it any longer..but despite me having some of this SHITTED frens..I do have my buddies..my pals and my frens..those people stood by me..thanks for everything..my attitude has to change..I gotta change..just hope that I can get over it..and sorry to anyone if I had offended them in any way in this post..excuse me..I`m sincerely sorry..just pray with me that God may release all this chains that have chain up my heart towards this hurts on life that we all have to go thru..pray for release..thanks
NOw Playing : 2NE1-I Don`t Care
NOw Playing : 2NE1-I Don`t Care

Friday, December 4, 2009
Shud I or Shud I not..
wei..shud I go and take my results?or shud I not..ishh..dilemma..when to take..how 2 take...but 1 thing I`m sure..I`m taking it myself..hahaha..~..or nxt week..lol..=.="
Thursday, December 3, 2009
No Electricity...
It was a day without electricity or suppose to be..hahaha~few days ago..my dad recieve a letter from the electric company..it says that my whole housing area will be out of electricity from 9am-2pm..thank God it was a morning..if it was a night time blackout..we will be toast..and we all will be praying for the moon to shine brighter..even we mayb have people running around in night gowns or night time clothes carrying candles..XD..I was like ok..fine...no electricity..its fine..but it wasn`t fine..i thought it would be fine..silly me..=.="...the day has come..in the morning when I woke up..and my bros are away at camp for 3 days...means..I have the computer all to myself..woohoo!~but I din expect this shit to happen..=.="..my internet suddenly died..I was like..crap..nice crap happening today..ok..maybe just a cable fault..it will be fix..I totally 4gotten abt the blackout..until..I was playing dota...just only started...using Earthshaker..F.Y.I..it or he is a walking bull holding a big piece of wood with markings on it..bought my items...and earning gold...was having such a good time..untill...=.="...my computer just off in front of my face..the fans all off...everything actually shut down...and then I rmbr there was suppose to be a blackout...then..I was like omg!!...crap!..damn!!...argghh!...thx a lot!!..hmm..15 mins has past since the blackout..helped my grandpa 2 chop down the tree..then i went back into the house..suddenly...it was 1030..30 mins since the blackout..poof!!..the fans came back on..and my computer actually started-up..wooowww~..thank God..yess...i was like so happy..and played game again after that..and sign in all my net stuff...yea..js that..say..9am-2pm?..it wasn`t even 1 hour for it to came back..haha..but I dun give a damn abt that..as long it is back..its back!~..XD 

They shud have posted this on the letter..=.="
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Prom : I Can`t Go..nvm..RESULTS..BLAH!!..=P
This year prom..I can`t go..partly..I still have 1 more year and many of my friends are not going..ahh mann..no tickets..no time..coz too busy with the xmas stuff..hmm..never mind..tell myself that..next year still gt chance de..mayb the prom will be something like this video down here..XD..but I`m sure they wun`t let..hahaha

>Big Bang-Farewell<
Holidays have hit the 1st month away..stil left weeks...plus this week..I have to go back to school to take the results for my end-term..wooo~..I just hope that it will be good..my friends from other schools have got their results and for me from them is 1 word [SUCKISH]..great..=.="
When the sun has gone down,and darkness comes..all you have to do is

Just hope that the results are good..and may the holidays be longer..please!~
Now Playing : Lin Fei-Let Go
Next On Playlist : Neyo-In The Way
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