Thursday, August 27, 2009
Going 4 Camp..[UNAVAILABLE]
Dear readers..I will be going for church camp and won`t be updating my bloggie or online for a couple of if there is anything...u can leave a msg at the cbox provided at the left corner of my blog..thank you..=]..and I will be unavailable..XDD..until I`m back from the camp..psps~
Getting pass the Barrier
Barriers do block everything and anything that is in its path..our lives have barriers too..Being block by a barrier makes us feel frustrated..things that we want done..are not done..our wishes not accomplished...efforts`s really a sad thing being that..but all barriers can be broken and pass through..if we look at the bright side..making it through with
friends..against all odds...we can and will do it..barriers can be pass....if we believe we can break through..I had bad times before..times that you can feel like giving up and just throwing everything that we know and care...just be a sick and lonely self..barriers are tough on breaks every hope of a brighter day..but it will need just little faith to believe in yourself..we can have a breakthrough....

Monday, August 24, 2009
Holiday Blues...and bla bla bla..xP & |Random|
I don`t know why I feel like this??...having something but yet you don`t feel that you have ownership over it even though you really do have ownership over it..aihaizz~..T>T...why?why?why? those problems..people..sometimes people really do you real good or real depends on what they think of
you or vice versa..I hate people people at
my school..treat me like shit at times..but it`s like so nostalgic..we always own up to each other and we are back as friends..connections...stronger ties that bring people together..situations that bond people..act as a medium to trigger some mechanism in our lives that make us strive to protect that person at all cost...we suddenly feel that we have power to protect and that person has the right to Holiday blues..what am I talking now??...this is like so random..XP..*chuckle*...but besides that..I do treasure people..coz people makes me smileeee..=D

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Matter that You Do Suck at Times..=.=" really you know that??ur attitude...ur way of talking...the way you treat people.."like so berat-sebelah"..yala..I know i`m a nuisance to you d...I`m at the bottom of ur list..and treat me like trash..literally~and cares??!!!...still you ask me to do sume shit for you..just so that you can do all the stuff u like to do....!!!...yess..i know that..and yess...not to say i`m jealous..but sumetimes I really hate the way you treat people...and ur always-wanna-win attitude...debate debate debate like ur so gud then you go around telling people like and debate liao..then say like sume shit..hahaha~..ain`t that so funny??..its not!!..its kinda shitty to hear know..people can just give you a punch on ur pretty lil face..y did i say pretty??!!!...damn...=.="...but people js dun wan 2..coz you`re cry and pout or maybe sulk...tats ur problem..i dunno...i cant judge~...but the matter of fact is..I would love to give you a big punch or a slap on ur face to kick you out of that self-centered little life of urs..and you will understand the pain you have cause on me and other thk ur gud..but ur worst...sensitive?? asss...~...=.="..tats all for now..i will now suppress..but still..i will wait and have fun..soon soon soon...~I will have ur face on my plattery hands..and I`ll love that every gud moment..=.="..thx!!..for being a damn goody suck person that i have come to know...thx a lot!!..[sign out]..****!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I will and will not..~x|..???o.0
Will I not go to school?man..the school like half-deserted coz of the h1n1 school gt like 3 or 4 suspected case...SUSPECTED oni and like tat..but still no difference for nid go schoollllll~..yay~..XD..but dad like "tidak apa" wan..tell him about it he like no serious de le..T.T...wellll....=\..i guess i will be going..aishhhh~..nvm la..just wear a mask 2 skul..speaking of maskes..i would love to get a gas mask..looks flashy flashy..yeaaa~...=]..nvm la..tats all now...will be posting something soon..stay healthy..[Di$c0Nn3ctiNG]..PIMP~
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I have done it..yesss!!!!~XDD
finally..I have fix my comp...yess...the big prob is already fixx~..reli thx to my frens d...after all those help..i have been whopping around like mad..being so frus about it..haizz~but still I tried my best and it did work....XDDD...who say kenot fix??!!!...wahahahahaha~..>,<...err...but still there is a small prob d....will try 2 fix it again..i tell u wei...i will not die wit this prob d..wahahahaha~..X)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Rest and Relaxation
haha..after all those test and exams..I won`t be having any of those until october november or I will be resting happy d..but still I have many things to plan..stuff coming up d..lols..=] comp still having problem..crap!!!...*yishh*..been trying 2 fix it..I guess it is reformating time..==..yikes..=X
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