Sunday, May 22, 2011

People that _______ me off

ok great wat a retarded day i take my bike i got damned on the road i mean its not me fault but yeah thanks for saving my ass i was polite and guess wat i got that in return nvm gotta let it go anger management is important so that people dont die everyday due to bar fights and so on and yeah ; club change to rules normal people like us got snitch like shit i was like kthxbye (: nvm . u want a freaking card . i will get a card . u want a freaking system ; i will abide by the system HAIHHH ! D: WAT A DAY ! ! .. ok fine . now to quiet down . thank God i was safe and so on and thanks to tat random guy i was alright (: altho we had to come to this but really geezz Thanks . and ok fine , yours is a great club ; really great stuff they have . i wil see wat i can do ; its a blessing to see the Joy when Trials and Tribulations come your way ; Lord , helpmecontrolandseethejoyinthingsthatdomakemesad . Period . END !

ok fine . LATE a disease ' even LATER , cant be help . LATEST . grand entry (: see the build-up of things . bad things seem good and even BADDER things seem BETTER ; forgive my grammar for i have sin XD HAHAH ! but yeah .. great to have friends / buddies that cheer me up with a dose of mamak ( road-side food / restuarant ) @edwin @nick @ nichol ; great blond jokes but really have that sense of humour in things . you guys made me day (:  and late for celll group :( heee sorry MUM >< . my bike was a hell to me . but still i love it ; tat brat . me and it has been in ages of stuff ; school . loiter and moree ## doomsday . ready or not ; it would be scrap by then .. yikes jeez ~

now LATE ; am i doing it right ?? gotta lots to rush . am LAZY .. trying to be LAZY maybe >< , Uni coming up . Great Life has Great Trials . soon to come for me but I know i get thru because i know . dont need for a doubt ; just GUTS hahahaha right . likes being random these days .. the art of random-ing is greatly practised in my life . maybe its cause everyone is just being random now x) TREND :0  

so . am gotta leave now . SLEEPS ; Parents Day tmrw ; playing keyboard for church service (: 
Have a nice day ; and Good Morning ; Its a Sunday Morning 3 am left or right
i AM awake HAH ! could stay up longer but say .
we shall save it for another day ****


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