Its has been some time sine i posted something :) Thank God for people like Hong Jian who reminded me of my long-time-no-posted blog ! ahaha ! , sorry folks .. been kinda lazy lately .. and blurr o.o ! even my collegues told me tat . Today Sabrina had to say something like ; Joseph lahh .. ur voice loud but ur ears so small .. cannot hear wan , soo blurr ; xD .. sorry lah sab , im very blur lately .. got off the wrong side of the bed ( and have i mentioned tat i started work) gahh ! .. speechless * so many stuff tat i haven not update on .. many things have happened in the past few weeks of Year 2011 ! , just the first few weeks and i do have a story to tell x) How Nice :0 .. BUTTT , those things yeah .. doubled UP my experiences and memories already ! . life changing circumstances and yeah , many important choice to make in life ; altho its a new year and new challenges ahead , but friends still stay the same right ? :) .. everyone is off to college now , some working + enjoying just like me coz we don`t want to enter the COLLEGE fray a little too soon ( due to some reasons which i will not highlight here because im kinda sick and bored of telling everyone tat ) GAHH ! , if u noticed tat , im having some errors and spelling stuff here , that`s because im posting this with my new house comp ( Desktop) Yepp ! , it just arrived today . ; HAPPY but my laptop aint here yet T^T gona take a while .. buhuhuhu ; hope it can come fasterrrr ! rightt .. till then , i will be posting many things that happened prior to 2011 and teh 1st few weeks of it ;) too much stuff to write ! . gotta use the LABELSS ;) well , for now .. i will be posting soon , so stay tuned readers !
-------- Alright , gotta stop here .. and HEY ! Tmr is a holidayy ; Its Thaipusam , but im chinese so i don`t celebrate it but who cares ; its a holiday .. dunit to go work >< ----- Signing Out--- Ciaooo ^^
"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. "