well , i took d LRT ( monorail ) today for a start (: and HELL yeah , it was easy .. pardon me but its the 1st time that im taking it by myself . NO ONE is right beside to help me .. BIG BOY now .. gotta do everything your ownself and say . it was FUN . and very convenient too .. now Spamming in d UNI computer lab with @Zachary ; my UTAR kaki and OMAi ! . the internet speed is even faster than the speed at my house ; not to mention the fast downloads and incredible speed of the data transfer . but , the youtube loading is FAST but not tat .. FAST than the one at my house . downloading delta force again using the computer . classes at 10 but here i am at 850 , very funny (: .. so to speak that everyone is on a holiday now and im the only one studying . its kinda sad . i remembered 1 year ago where i am now , i was having a great 2 weeks holiday but now , here i am . having classes at UTAR . everyone ahs to grow up . its a norm .. and its just part of life`s Ups and Downs ..lolx .. took d bus also .. kinda fun and very cold inside .. hope that the school students get a longer holiday so that i don`t need to jam my way to UTAR on the road :D . thats all for now i guess , still downloading my game . its shoooooo fast weyy ^^ .. ahahaha . kays . 2 twin girls sitting in front of me , they look so alike . ofcos == . and have i forgot to mention that , im taking the arts stream . many people ask me your science stream ? why are you going for arts now ? i was like .. perhaps its time for a change and i and really fcked up about science stream . 2 years is enough ! ! wells , for now .. i gotta do something about it ; make a change HEHEHE (:
alrytes . gtg now . kthxbyes (:
NOTEPAD and Some Perks
- i am just writing it again " Blog description " LALALALA -
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
UNI #1 Starts - End
So , i didn`t really blogged about what happen during my orientation at UTAR ; but seriously . it gives me memories of 1st day of school .. and u sorta get those weird feelings of being a NEW human being x) . tat aside , most of my friends are in like Taylors or Sunway UC but its me a few others at UTAR . being a UTARIAN is fun .. met a lot of fun people and some kinda funny people .. Orientation . Speeches . Talks . Bored but i somehow find some of those lecturers really great people . and spent time talking with Kah Wai about KPOP stuff or stuff in general .. glad to have a friend like him that goes to the same uni as me and not to forget ; Rachel .. my smkkk kaki until now .. then UTAR kaki oso . Great people (: Thankss ~ .. so after like 3 days of orientation , im officially a UTAR student aka UTARIAN @@ .. and yeah , 1 thing about life now , UGOTTADOEVERYTHINGURSELF ; YESIAMNOTKIDDING D: .. because , independence plays a big role now .. Its you and the world & your friends (: + coursemates ! ^^ .. but with independence comes responsibility , you`re in charge NOW . :0 well , then we had ice breaking with the whole lot , met a group of awesome people thr . and guess wat . same group with kah wai againnn ... or we sneak our way around and ended up joining a random group which in the end , we clic so well together ; Thanks for the memories guys and gurls (x .. well Hopes , everything goes smoothly .. many things to adjust myself to but i guess i can do it lo .. and wait , the printing stuff is killling me , lecture notes are crazily a LOTTTT ! .. well , just gotta bear with it ! (:
soooooo .. i guess thats all , off i GO ! kthxbyes (:
soooooo .. i guess thats all , off i GO ! kthxbyes (:
Sunday, May 22, 2011
People that _______ me off
ok great wat a retarded day i take my bike i got damned on the road i mean its not me fault but yeah thanks for saving my ass i was polite and guess wat i got that in return nvm gotta let it go anger management is important so that people dont die everyday due to bar fights and so on and yeah ; club change to rules normal people like us got snitch like shit i was like kthxbye (: nvm . u want a freaking card . i will get a card . u want a freaking system ; i will abide by the system HAIHHH ! D: WAT A DAY ! ! .. ok fine . now to quiet down . thank God i was safe and so on and thanks to tat random guy i was alright (: altho we had to come to this but really geezz Thanks . and ok fine , yours is a great club ; really great stuff they have . i wil see wat i can do ; its a blessing to see the Joy when Trials and Tribulations come your way ; Lord , helpmecontrolandseethejoyinthingsthatdomakemesad . Period . END !
ok fine . LATE a disease ' even LATER , cant be help . LATEST . grand entry (: see the build-up of things . bad things seem good and even BADDER things seem BETTER ; forgive my grammar for i have sin XD HAHAH ! but yeah .. great to have friends / buddies that cheer me up with a dose of mamak ( road-side food / restuarant ) @edwin @nick @ nichol ; great blond jokes but really have that sense of humour in things . you guys made me day (: and late for celll group :( heee sorry MUM >< . my bike was a hell to me . but still i love it ; tat brat . me and it has been in ages of stuff ; school . loiter and moree ## doomsday . ready or not ; it would be scrap by then .. yikes jeez ~
now LATE ; am i doing it right ?? gotta lots to rush . am LAZY .. trying to be LAZY maybe >< , Uni coming up . Great Life has Great Trials . soon to come for me but I know i get thru because i know . dont need for a doubt ; just GUTS hahahaha right . likes being random these days .. the art of random-ing is greatly practised in my life . maybe its cause everyone is just being random now x) TREND :0
ok fine . LATE a disease ' even LATER , cant be help . LATEST . grand entry (: see the build-up of things . bad things seem good and even BADDER things seem BETTER ; forgive my grammar for i have sin XD HAHAH ! but yeah .. great to have friends / buddies that cheer me up with a dose of mamak ( road-side food / restuarant ) @edwin @nick @ nichol ; great blond jokes but really have that sense of humour in things . you guys made me day (: and late for celll group :( heee sorry MUM >< . my bike was a hell to me . but still i love it ; tat brat . me and it has been in ages of stuff ; school . loiter and moree ## doomsday . ready or not ; it would be scrap by then .. yikes jeez ~
now LATE ; am i doing it right ?? gotta lots to rush . am LAZY .. trying to be LAZY maybe >< , Uni coming up . Great Life has Great Trials . soon to come for me but I know i get thru because i know . dont need for a doubt ; just GUTS hahahaha right . likes being random these days .. the art of random-ing is greatly practised in my life . maybe its cause everyone is just being random now x) TREND :0
so . am gotta leave now . SLEEPS ; Parents Day tmrw ; playing keyboard for church service (:
Have a nice day ; and Good Morning ; Its a Sunday Morning 3 am left or right
i AM awake HAH ! could stay up longer but say .
we shall save it for another day ****
Friday, May 20, 2011
yesterday blues .__.
great . wat a " great " yesterday . haihh .. suppose that i always disappoint people .. i was too stupid HAH ! . dint see tat coming /// well .. i know this time is really my fault .. mayb u knw who i am talking about ..im sorry .. i dont know wat came over me .. with the quote : nothing better to say , better dont say .. and DONT ASSUME things ; i guess thats my weakness (: . learning - well , it also taught me one thing . gotta be careful around you >< .. but im sorry for doing it tho .. hehehehe . my BET Dx gahhh ... thanks for the advice @emelia yap .. not mature yet i suppose or mayb yeah , we all do have our immature moments TEEHEE ; fine . forget about tat shitt ! . its raining again .. adding up to the gloomy face x( .. one thing`s for sure .. need to be EXTRA careful around people nowadays with facebook ; wow .. anyone can find you ; so .. becareful . NOT everything has to be on facebook especially if you do have some issues with anyone . better yet . should i quit work ? its a saturday ; 3 hours pay around rm120++ .. lols .. uni coming up >< dunno whether to commit or not .. gahh ! leave tat for another day @nicholas goh ; im hunting for a HD now . so tat i can transfer the games to you ; and sorry @ aaron tan ; sry bro .. couldn`t pass to you d " weed " = dubsteps tracks at cf .. couldn`t make it tho >< ..SORRYYY !
still thinking of deleting s4 league ; hehehe dunno i just couldn`t get d hang of the game >< HAHAHA .. funny guns and ofcos the moves or ok js tat .. tooo .. NVM >< cant explain anyway ; still trying to work on my reviews for Singularity and guess watt ! ; i finally played Prototype . its was addictive but soon i know it will bored me out coz its like GTA just ttat . cross it with Spiderman + Xmen + mission impossible game ; tat cool >< @@ . but now i struggling to finish off all my games like Dead Rising 2 ; Mass Effect 2 and moreee . help me . hope next week uni will be fine .. Orientation and sorry boss , i cant work already for tat week . GEHHH !about tat , i will try to make it .. hmm , and yeah . i guess you are right .. i cant keep treating you like a kid .. alryte ! if this is how you want it .. ok loh , i understand .. and yeah , its good for me also yeh for various reasons (: but thanks for all advice , really appreciate it but i guess soon , it will reach a dead end and perhaps .. its time ; life has good-byes but we often wait for a great hello . i`ll just wish you in tat alryte (:
gotta stop now . shall be writing soon . kthxbye (:
still thinking of deleting s4 league ; hehehe dunno i just couldn`t get d hang of the game >< HAHAHA .. funny guns and ofcos the moves or ok js tat .. tooo .. NVM >< cant explain anyway ; still trying to work on my reviews for Singularity and guess watt ! ; i finally played Prototype . its was addictive but soon i know it will bored me out coz its like GTA just ttat . cross it with Spiderman + Xmen + mission impossible game ; tat cool >< @@ . but now i struggling to finish off all my games like Dead Rising 2 ; Mass Effect 2 and moreee . help me . hope next week uni will be fine .. Orientation and sorry boss , i cant work already for tat week . GEHHH !about tat , i will try to make it .. hmm , and yeah . i guess you are right .. i cant keep treating you like a kid .. alryte ! if this is how you want it .. ok loh , i understand .. and yeah , its good for me also yeh for various reasons (: but thanks for all advice , really appreciate it but i guess soon , it will reach a dead end and perhaps .. its time ; life has good-byes but we often wait for a great hello . i`ll just wish you in tat alryte (:
gotta stop now . shall be writing soon . kthxbye (:
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Closure (:
Finally ; closure . things always get solved by talking . its works somehow .. perhaps life has never been that great for me ; top up with people problems . we all long for closure , something to end with something .. coz shit in ur life can keep you in pain for a LONG LONG TIME , so its best that those kind of things shouldn`t be kept in the heart but just talk over it and make a change in your life ; the happiness when you achieve closure in a certain matter ; particularly today`s youth message was an eye-opener for me ; unresolved issues .. we as humans have the tendency of being selfish and we often think we are in the RIGHT ! , you should say sorry or else , i am never gona admit it .. haihh , i have met many people like this , can`t blame anyone because no one is perfect ; as human as we are , as pure as we are , we are like that ; not that we can`t change , its just something that triggers in our heart that we act like that , even i don`t fully understand it yet , around me , many things happen lately .. people and their problems can cause a lot of damage to a bigger picture of the matter or surroundings , maybe i will not be so KE-PO ( busy-body) but , sometimes sad things happen .. we only hope for closure in our favour .. but sometimes we have to realise that humbleness requires sacrifice , the willingness to say SORRY , the willingness to submit ; althought i agree that even i am still struggling to do that , we can deny that fact that , ITS JUST SO HARD TO SAY SORRY , its makes me feel small *laughs* . but thats another day , lessons can be learned in life through failure , no man is perfect such that no sky is forever blue ; vice versa .. for now , i just hope that other people can find closure in their life problems althought its hard to get . to Let Go is To Forget & Forgive ; how hard it may be , it can be done . Its just YOU and YOURSELF and THEM ; there is no 100% closure of the matter because bombs leave craters such that life problem leaves scars , takes time to heal ; Time Tells but Time does not Decides ; Its You that Decides ,
Me .. Closure .. Over : 3 words that makes me a person now , Thank You God for giving me the strength to go through it :) Because I Made That Choice That Decides Who Am I As A Person and Friendships are mended and I Believe That Closure Is Important Because Its Decides the End Then A New Begining .
To Anonymous : Thank You (:
-End- Phase Out 8D >>>>
Thursday, May 12, 2011
in Progress (:
games in progress , i think im gona choke myself with it Loves . Period x)
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Mass Effect 2 : I AM AMAZED (: |
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Dead Rising 2 : HAHAHA LOL game (: |
And hell ! , who has these . i wan themmmm O.O !
OkaY . i guess i will get them soon enough and gotta pass some of these to @nick or @ edwin , they will love this shit XD ;
wells , for now .. i gotta go , look out for my Singularity review . just completed that game . Thanks Justin (:
thats all for now x) BYEEE !
Blog Doctor : Bring it back to life
well , it has been months since my last post , i would consider this a dead blog but nooooo .... im here to bring it back to life , thanks you @hong jian .. for the constant reminding to update .. i did now . lol .. well , lif3 has been rather bored and fun at d same time . after SPM . PRE-U .. now trying to enjoy the last moments of fun and games before i depart to another life of mine ; UNI LIFE @@ . things change .. like .. hmm , priorities , stuff-to-do and yeah , everyone i know now is like assim into college,form 6 uni .etc . miss my old skul lots , miss ole buddies , my my juniors HAH ! God knows how are they now .. altho , some of them r stil OK . Period . well , for now .. i have return to assume duties as Sword Squad Commitee again .. it has been 2 years .. wat a long break and yeah , gotta get tat working feeling back again ! hmm hope to be working great with the new commitee ( altho yes i do know all of them ) hahaha . well . tats all for tonight , gotta sleep ; will be posting tmrw , a continuation of this (: .. Good Nite !
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